[1.12.2] Useful Backpacks Dupe Bug
focamacho opened this issue ยท 8 comments
Describe the bug
Dupe items using backpacks
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Open and drop a backpack at the same time
- Take the itens from the backpack gui, and the backpack on the ground
- It's all
Expected behavior
Be impossible to pick up the items in the backpack
- Mod version:
- Minecraft version: 1.12.2
- Forge version: Latest 1.12.2
- UTeamCore version:
Obs: It don't happens using UsefulBackpacks & U-Team-Core 2.4.107
Thanks for the report. The issue appeared some time ago (#15 ) too and was fixed there. I'll try to reproduce it and then try to fix it.
When throwing the backpack, open the backpack GUI, then throw the items inside, close the GUI, pick up all the items, and copy an extra item
Mod version:
Minecraft version: 1.15.2
Forge version: Latest 1.15.2
UTeamCore version:
Tried to reproduce it but failed. Do you use it on a server or an a single player world?
What do you press first to trigger that bug. Q or Rightclick?
It's very hard to reproduce without some lag, so to do it in singleplayer you'll need a macro.
Press Rightclick first.
Tried it with a macro which like 1ms delay but could not get it to work :/
I'll try it in singleplayer with a high ping simulator.
Are the items real items or ghost items?
Found a fix. Will release updates for 1.12.2, 1.14.4 and 1.15.2!
Thanks for reporting this bug!
public boolean onDroppedByPlayer(ItemStack item, EntityPlayer player) {
return !(player.openContainer instanceof ContainerBackPack);
Thanks. Got the bug going on a local server with a network test tool so simulate a 4000ms rtt:
To get the bug:
- Open the backpack
- Before the gui opens press q
- When the gui opens the backpack gets drops afterwards but the gui is still open an you can remove items from that.
Looking forward to fix that