[1.16.5] Backpack disappeared?
firestorm2039 opened this issue ยท 6 comments
Describe the bug
i had recently made 2 backpacks (large and medium), the medium containing a load of wool and leather, i then saved my game, came back to it the next day and the medium backpack had gone?. this has happened previously as well on another world, i died and my backpack had gone with loads of diamonds, emeralds and other jewels in, i have another mod installed which saved all my items from disappearing when i die (even if i fall in lava or in the void), makes a gravestone, gives me a key and i can go get it all, so it wouldn't have been destroyed??
i have checked all my chests and my other backpack in case i put it in there, but its not there, its just vanished
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Go to '...'
- Do this '....'
it just dose it randomly i think, not seen a sequence as to how or why yet?
Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
- Mod version: useful_backpacks-1.16.5-
- Minecraft version: ??? no idea, i assume 1.16.5??
- Forge version: 1.16.5 36.2.4
- UTeamCore version: u_team_core-1.16.5-
Log (if crash occures)
Link to crash log
They are Curios slots. Curios is an API used by Trinkets and other mods that add those extra slots.
And, actually, that's the best way to equip the backpack. When you press V it will open.
Do you have any other mods installed that might control death items?
The backpack might moved in some curious / baubles / custom inventory slots.
i found my backpack. if you go on to craft (not crafting table) you will see an icon of yourself, in top left there is a icon, click that and it was in 1 of them slots, must have automatically went there when i collected items, no idea if that icon is from another mod or not??
Glad you found it!
Yes, must be an other mod then, as useful backpacks does change any gui stuff there.
Glad you found it! Yes, must be an other mod then, as useful backpacks does change any gui stuff there.
yeah, you click on that icon and a list of other slots come up (rings, back, head, legs etc), no idea what mod its from, i hadnt noticed it before, it was my 7 year old son that found it LOL