Useful Slime (NeoForge/Fabric)

Useful Slime (NeoForge/Fabric)


Sling Hypersprint

MoonstruckDev opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Hi! Me again!

Minecraft Version: 1.20.1
Forge Version: 47.2.30
Mod Version: 1.8.1

After you use slime sling sprinting is faster than usual

You can see normal sprint speed at the start of the clip, then you can see post sling
Video here


Hi. Sorry to take so long to respond I have been sick the last few days. I released a mod version for 1.20.2 after your last issue that fixes this issue, unfortunately, I won't be backporting to 1.20.1 due to some dependency issues. Thank you for reporting the bug though.