Utility Belt

Utility Belt


Possible Compatibility Issue

TheAlphaWolf449 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I have a server with several friends and we noticed when using this mod with "You're in Grave Danger" there is a major bug. When retrieving the utility belt from a grave, all stored tools on the belt are gone. I hope you can patch this, but I understand it's not necessarily your mods fault it may not be compatible. Anyway, thank you!


FWIW This is probably more on that mod that on this one, not all gravestone mods play well with other modded content. Try Universal Graves i'm pretty sure I had it working with Utility Belt back in 1.20


Hi. I am the developer of You're in Grave Danger. I was made aware of this issue last week, and I've fixed the compatibility issue on YiGD's side in the latest version for 1.20 (yigd 2.0.0-beta-8)