Valhelsia Structures

Valhelsia Structures


Colonist Pathing issues

catrina339 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


I am having an issue with colonists not going into the tavern for sleep and instead congregating on the outer corner of the tavern. This is the medieval oak tavern scheme. I did not have this issue with the level one tavern but have had this issue with the level two and three.
2020-07-18_21 34 19


Im not saying im right, but that looks like MineColonies. Not Valhelsia Structures?


my first time here. Wasnt quite sure where to put this. Was told to put any bugs i had with the mod pack on the git hub here.


Ping me on the Valhelsia Discord, we will get you sorted for the correct modpack github =)

Discord: LittleCircles#9856


I managed to find the mine colonies GitHub via google. I have reported the issue there.