Valhelsia Structures

Valhelsia Structures


Issue with config

faeldray opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Valhesia Structures: 16.0.5
Forge: 36.0.40
Other mods: none

Either the config isn't working like it should or I'm really misunderstanding how it works.

Basically I can get structures to spawn with the default config but they're often thousands of blocks away from spawn (according to /locate) and I would like them to be a lot closer/more numerous. So I've been trying different numbers in the config and adding more biomes but nothing seems to work. In this extreme example, there should be structures everywhere yet none appear when I create a new world and /locate can't find any of them now. This is with the config in the \defaultconfigs folder by the way.


Facing the same issues. My setup:

Mod Ver: 16.0.5
MC Ver: 1.16.4
Forge Ver: 35.1.28

Hope there's some fix soon.


I believe you have to put this in default configs folder for it to work, they generate it in normal config even though it doesn't work there

  • Though I don't know if I recommend because I had many crashes for no reason trying to edit things.

@ShootToKillSTK I changed both the file in the defaultconfig folder and the one in the config folder to be the same when I did my testing.


Hi! I invite you to try our latest version (1.16.5-0.1.0), the config file has been improved, this problem should be fixed.
Considering the date, I close this issue, feel free to reopen an issue if it still doesn't work on the latest version.