Valkyrien Skies (Forge/Fabric)

Valkyrien Skies (Forge/Fabric)


[Physics thread/ERROR] (Aq) Error in physics pipeline background task

SuperSpaceEye opened this issue ยท 0 comments


This issue occurs when only Valkyrien Skies and addons are installed and no other mods

  • I have tested this issue and it occurs when no other mods are installed

Minecraft Version


Mod Loader


Issue description

If you create and delete a constraint every mc tick, and one of the ships to which that constraint is attached gets deleted by removing every block on the ship (everything seems to works fine if you delete ship through shipObjectWorld.deleteShip or with a command), it crashes the phys thread.
To update the constraints i'm using TickEvent.SERVER_PRE of architectury.

Issue reproduction

Do what I said in ^. Also, "SHIP WAS REMOVED" in the log is from an event that i've mixined into ShipObjectServerWorld.postTick


[Server thread/WARN] (valkyrien_mod) SERVER PRE
[Server thread/WARN] (valkyrien_mod) SERVER POST
[Server thread/WARN] (valkyrien_mod) SHIP WAS REMOVED
[Server thread/WARN] (Al) Failed to adjust a constraint. Was a ship deleted?
[Server thread/WARN] (Al) Failed to adjust a constraint. Was a ship deleted?
[Physics thread/ERROR] (Aq) Error in physics pipeline background task
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at org.valkyrienskies.core.impl.shadow.Ar.b(Unknown Source) ~[valkyrienskies-118-fabric-2.1.1-beta.6+88d9088afa.jar:?]
at org.valkyrienskies.core.impl.shadow.Ar.a(Unknown Source) ~[valkyrienskies-118-fabric-2.1.1-beta.6+88d9088afa.jar:?]
at org.valkyrienskies.core.impl.shadow.Au.a(Unknown Source) ~[valkyrienskies-118-fabric-2.1.1-beta.6+88d9088afa.jar:?]
at Source) [valkyrienskies-118-fabric-2.1.1-beta.6+88d9088afa.jar:?]
at org.valkyrienskies.core.impl.shadow.Au$1.a(Unknown Source) [valkyrienskies-118-fabric-2.1.1-beta.6+88d9088afa.jar:?]
at org.valkyrienskies.core.impl.shadow.Au$1.invoke(Unknown Source) [valkyrienskies-118-fabric-2.1.1-beta.6+88d9088afa.jar:?]
at kotlin.concurrent.ThreadsKt$thread$thread$ [kotlin-stdlib-1.9.10.jar:?]
[Physics thread/ERROR] (Aq) !!!!!!! VS PHYSICS THREAD CRASHED !!!!!!!