Valkyrien Skies (Forge/Fabric)

Valkyrien Skies (Forge/Fabric)


Incompatibility with worldgen mods (Tectonic + Wyther's Expanded Ecosphere)<title>

alejandrorusso4 opened this issue ยท 11 comments


Mod Name

Tectonic, Expanded Ecosphere

This issue occurs when only Valkyrien Skies, addons, and the mod I have specified are installed and no other mods

  • I have tested this issue and it occurs with only Valkyrien Skies, addons, and the mod I have specified

Minecraft Version


Mod Loader


Issue description

When Tectonic, WWOO, or both mods are installed, assembling a ship causes it to disappear (sometimes). More mods makes the probability of this higher. I tested it with just Tectonic and just WWOO and the ship would assemble fine the first couple of times, then disappear immediately after clicking on Assemble.

Also, not sure how related this is but on the debug stats it says the VS PhysTPS is 0, when it should be 60

Issue reproduction

Install VS and addons, install Tectonic. Config enable "increased_height":true. Install Expanded Ecospheres. Build and assemble ship


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