Valkyrien Skies (Forge/Fabric)

Valkyrien Skies (Forge/Fabric)


VS constantly doins something without my knowledge?

KrokusAstra opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Hi, i'm trying to make modpack just for myself, you know, funny playthrought, a bit of this, a bit of that. I was planning to make VS2 and Create/Clockwork important part of my game, and make big flying fortress. My credo "throw bunch of mods, and then delete what isn't working". But then i started to check up what is lagging, my Spark and log files (while i TP'd across the map, deciding which biome mode to delete), i faced a lag problems. Spark also shows me, VS2 constantly eating up like 8-10% of my tps, as if i'm currently building fortress and have like 5k block moving structure. But i didn't do anything!
I never create single object with VS2/Clockwork in this savefile, it's just test run, i'm watching what is causing lag, TP and write what i should delete. How is VS2 eating like 10% tps, just being in mod's folder? It shouldn't work until i touch it, no?
Any other mods, even heavy, like minecolonies, bumblezone, alex mods, eating up quite less resources, while i constantly meet something from those mods. Also, when i disabled VS, my RAM usage immediately propped 5-7%
Is it really active all time?