Vampirism - Become a vampire!

Vampirism - Become a vampire!


[Feature]: New Action For Vampire Hunters

RandomDovah opened this issue ยท 0 comments



While talking with @TheDrOfDoctoring about possible features for the Hunters Ageing addon, I've came up with idea of new vampire hunter action: Divine Light.

This action:

  1. Would require golden crucifix to use
  2. Would require a skill that can replace vampire awareness or can be placed after the crucifixion skill
  3. Will be one-click use skill that won't require to hold crucifix all the time
  4. It will apply blindness and stun effect to all creatures infront of user for several seconds
  5. Stun effect will be cleared after first hit being landed on target
  6. Crucifix will have cooldown (will be longer than after the usual crucifix usage)
  7. Might last longer on undead creatures and vampires but atheism accessories can make the blindness last shorter
  8. Upon activation, from the affected person's perspective bright light visual effect will appear (could be changed in configs to just applying standard blindness) and special sound will play for a few seconds
  9. Will have a general cooldown that won't let to use it again immediately on the same target by another player

Mod experience

As this action would require to obtain a skill at the bottom of skill branch, player won't be able to have semi-automatic crossbow, strongest blood potions and this action at once. There will be a way to counter it and this action won't make affected enemy completely defenseless as stun will be cleared after first hit.

This action will be the most useful for crowd control, escaping and fighting at the mid distance with ranged weapons. Besides that, it will be useful in general as won't affect only undead mobs thus not leaving hunters who choose to fully invest in the middle skill branch with almost nothing against not undead mobs and players.

If this action will be implemented, crucifix would be useful in singleplayer and multiplayer for the solo players so it won't be necessary to be a part of a team to use crucifix efficiently. However, teams won't be able to apply this skill several times in a row without stopping to easily win fights due to the general cooldown I talked about earlier.

Considering all of this, I think this skill will be a decent addition to hunters won't be imbalanced.


For the sound of skill's effects from the target's perspective I suggest to use FX_Angelic_Pulsing.wav sound made by ForTheHorde68:
For the sound of skill usage I suggest to use Holy Protection Skill Buff made by EminYILDIRIM:
or Short Choir made by Breviceps:
All of the sounds are found on