Vampirism - Become a vampire!

Vampirism - Become a vampire!


[Feature] Incorporate ingotSilver into certain features if available

StarWithRockDots opened this issue ยท 2 comments


What would you like to have changed or added to Vampirism

Have Vampirism check the Ore Dictionary for the presence of any entries in ingotSilver. If another mod adds silver, then Vampirism can alter some of its own recipes to include ingotSilver in place of some other ingredient(s).
The one big example that jumps to my mind is the Vampire Killer Arrow (ingotSilver can replace the gold ingot in that recipe), but I'm sure there are some other recipes that could also potentially work with it (for example, maybe swap out a couple of the iron ingots in the Hunter Axe recipe(s) for silver instead?).

Another ingotSilver-related idea is vampires taking some extra damage from any weapon whose crafting recipe includes an item that falls under ingotSilver. I'm guessing this would probably be harder to implement, but I'll just put the suggestion out there in case.

Does this make the mod experience more balanced?

When silver is available, this would help to reinforce the vampires' weakness to it and, in my opinion, enrich the experience even further.

I have basically 0 modding experience at the time of writing, so I'm not sure about the actual code that would go into any of this, but those are just some ideas that have been floating around in my head. This mod is one of my favorites, btw; keep up the excellent work. :D


Quite an interesting idea. At least the allowing silver to replace gold should be easy to implement. But we will have to check how well this works if silver isn't available.
Making silver based weapons deal more damage would only be worth the effort if vampirism adds silver itself. Maybe we can consider this again


Adding silver to Vampirism itself sounds like a cool idea, and it would definitely fill any gaps in these suggestions nicely, too. Considering its importance in vampire lore, it feels like a perfect fit.
(If silver does end up being added to this mod, I could provide some textures for the ore and ingot if needed (having a silver ore that looks subtly different than the usual ore-block design could be a nice touch for variety's sake).)