Vampirism - Become a vampire!

Vampirism - Become a vampire!


[Feature] 1.14.4 - Please make Vanilla phantoms not hunt vampires who don't sleep in a bed.

ProsperCraft opened this issue ยท 7 comments


What would you like to have changed or added to Vampirism

Currently the 1.14 vanilla mechanic is that if you don't sleep in a bed phantoms come after you, I think this should not apply to those that are no longer living.

Does this make the mod experience more balanced?

Can you provide additional resources (etc. textures or models)


I guess Vampires need their rest as well, and if the coffin resets the time since rest that will work.


At the moment coffins shouldnt work.

The phantoms spawn when the players last time in bed (Stats.TIME_SINCE_REST) is older than 3 days. Time is set every time a player has a bedlocation, which would be set when inside of a coffin (PR or not).


Vampires should need to rest too, don't they? Therefore, everything should work fine once coffins work again.

Or, do you think vampires should not have to rest at all? @ProsperCraft


@Cheaterpaul is it possible to just set the last time in bed and the spawn point when right clicking the coffin until Forge is patched?


at the moment the bedlocation is set even if you instanly drop out of the coffin


Alright, closing this. Even though you can't sleep in coffins yet, you can use them to set your spawn point and reset the rest since timer


Interesting, I should keep up with Vanilla changes more ^^

@Cheaterpaul What is the current status on the coffin sleep mechanic. And could this somehow be integrated in the Forge PR (if there is an active one)?