[Suggestion] Additional biome ideas!
Abbanon opened this issue ยท 0 comments
I've got ideas for the following biomes:
Badlands Boneyards
"Thousands of years of erosion have revealed massive bone blocks within the walls here..."
- Spawns "veins" of bone blocks at various Y levels above sea level, within the Terracotta layers
- Available as all Badlands types (Regular, Eroded, Plateau, Wooded Plateau, Modified Plateau, Modified Wooded Plateau)
Desert Boneyards
"A mass extinction event must have killed everything here millions of years ago, leaving only their bones behind."
- Spawns scattered bone blocks on the surface (both individual, and straight horizontal/vertical sections like tree logs)
- Available in all Desert types (Regular, Red, Plateau, Red Plateau, Barren) except for the Lush Desert
Dead Lagoons
"The coral and coral blocks in these waters has long since died out."
- Copies of existing Lagoon types (Regular, Cold, Lukewarm, Warm) but with dead coral and dead coral blocks instead