Vanilla Hammers [Forge]

Vanilla Hammers [Forge]


Hammer Drop Chance

TheUntamed opened this issue · 7 comments


Extra drop chances Configurations for Diamond and Glowstone Hammer would be great.

Diamond, Iron and Gold hammer have no Harvest Level configuration. (And their default harvest level is too low. They cannot even mine diamond ore.)


I mean, a config for those too wouldn't hurt anyone. As long as the default value is like vanilla.


True, I should add that as well.
The harvest level should be the one like in vanilla. That's why I don't wanna add a config for that. But I'll check if it's too low.


And I also have the problem that the existing configs have no effect. The extra drop chance doesn't change.

I always get ~1.5 coal/ore if mined with Coal Hammer and 1 emerald/ore if mined with Emerald Hammer even if the extra drop value of coal is 0 and the value for emeralds is 1000.

I also tried to set "extraDrop = false" but I still get extra drops and I don't have the Hammer enchanted.

And what is the extraDrop integer doing? Are there tools giving extra drops when mining something different than the corresponding ore?


1 more question: Does the double drop always generate 1 extra item or really the double amount?
With other words: If the Hammer is enchanted with luck and I would get 3 Diamonds out of an ore. Would I get 4 or 6 with Double Drop?


Only 4. I never thought about this enchanting.. maybe I'll change something :)


configurable harvest level issue opened here: ChaoticTrials/MoreVanillaLib#3

I see.. It's a bit confusing and not good coded with extra drop and double drop 🤔 extra drop should be that if you use the tool, you randomly get a piece of whatever your tool is made of. double drop should be that if you use coal hammer on coal ore, there is a chance that you get 2 instead of 1. This chance is under chances.extraDropValue but should be changed. And it should be toggled on and off for all tools with one option.. when fixed you can see it here: ChaoticTrials/MoreVanillaLib#5


For the "extra drop" at the beginning of this issue (which is double drop as you learned now lol): I will add it to diamond but not for Glowstone. I will add something that Glowstone will always drop 4 dust when mined with glowstone tools. Here you could see the issue: ChaoticTrials/MoreVanillaLib#7