Vein Mining (Fabric 1.16.4 - 1.19.2)

Vein Mining (Fabric 1.16.4 - 1.19.2)


VeinMining Duplicates Connected Drawers

callmejay758 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Vein mining drawers from storage drawers (as well as the addon mod framed compacting drawers) duplicates the drawers as well as their contents. Instead of breaking all connected drawers, it breaks one, and gives the result as if it vein mined (e.g vein mining 5 drawers break's 1 drawer but drops 5 drawers.). I tested this with just storage drawers and veinmining (along with jei and kubejs), same result.

My temporary fix was to blacklist all drawer tags.

NB Does not seem to affect drawer trim blocks.