Vein Mining (Fabric 1.16.4 - 1.19.2)

Vein Mining (Fabric 1.16.4 - 1.19.2)


suggestion (to help with OTHER mod compatibilitys)

iGreenDogs opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Make anything that is not stone

  1. Stone
  2. Andisite
  3. Diorite
  4. etc, etc

Not vein-mineable and allow server config to add other things NOT to mine (instead of having what yes to mine hard written into the code)


I'm not what you mean. Are you talking about a blacklist for blocks that are not vein-mineable? Because you can already do that. Just put blocksPermission to "BLACKLIST" and blocks list to the blocks or tags that you want to disallow.

Edit: Also, the code doesn't hardcode anything at all, which is why the configs are so flexible. The code lets you mine any block by default.