Vein Mining (Fabric 1.16.4 - 1.19.2)

Vein Mining (Fabric 1.16.4 - 1.19.2)


Activation Type Won't Change

AquaLawng opened this issue · 10 comments


Fabric Minecraft 1.17

Holding the activation key, such as crouch, performs the opposite.

Mining without sneaking automatically veinmines
Mining while sneaking disables veinmines.

veinmining.json5 as follows:
// Whether to activate vein mining by standing, crouching, or holding down the keybind
"activationState": "KEYBINDING",

Changing local settings using Mod Menu does nothing, not even sure it's compatible


I cannot reproduce this, the activation key works correctly for me. Please provide your versions for Cloth Config and Mod Menu. In addition, make sure that you either leave and re-enter your world or execute the /reload command if making config changes while in a world/server.


I should also clarify that this issue is happening on a server I am running for my friends and me. I have the mod on both client and server side, not sure if that's correct.

Cloth Config 5.0.34 (Client)
Mod Menu 2.0.2 (Client)


Are you changing the configs client or server-side?


I've done some more testing.

  • Deleted the server config file to start fresh.
  • Using a tool with the vein mine chat on stone vein mines it.
  • Edit server config file from "blacklist" to "whitelist"- Add "#c:ores"
  • Restart server
  • Now, mining stone does not vein mine.
  • Edit server config from "standing" to "keybinding"
  • Restart server
  • It still vein mines while standing, not when crouching
    (I now realize it's not backwards, crouching disables vein mine because you are no longer standing)

Just making sure, if you do all of that and change the CLIENT config from "STANDING" to "KEYBINDING", does it still not work?


Clientside was set to KEYBINDING through all of the above steps


Okay I think I know what's wrong. The config isn't properly read client-side, which will cause the activation type to always stay the same because it's only checked client-side (so changing the configs server-side won't do anything either). It'll be fixed in the next update.


That's great to hear, looking forward to test it out. How is it supposed to work when used on a server? Is the server side config the default?


Well, essentially, every other value is read from the server so everything else should work server-side only. It's just the activation state that is read client-side that is affected.