Config doesnt save
OneWithWind opened this issue ยท 4 comments
my full config is here
"enchantment": {
// The rarity of the enchantment
"rarity": "RARE",
// The number of levels of the enchantment
"levels": 1,
// Whether or not to consider this enchantment as a treasure
"isTreasure": false,
// Whether or not this enchantment can be randomly selected for enchanting
"isRandomlySelectable": true,
// Whether or not this enchantment is available on books
"isAvailableOnBooks": true,
// The minimum enchanting power requirement for the first enchantment level
"minPowerBase": 15,
// The additional enchanting power requirement for each enchantment level after the first
"minPowerPerLevel": 5,
// List of enchantments that cannot be applied together with this enchantment
"incompatibleEnchantments": []
"veinMining": {
// The maximum number of blocks to mine without the enchantment
"requireEffectiveTool": false,
// The maximum number of blocks to mine without the enchantment
"maxBlocksBase": 0,
// The maximum distance from the source block without the enchantment
"maxDistanceBase": 0,
// The maximum number of blocks to mine per level of the enchantment
"maxBlocksPerLevel": 50,
// The maximum distance from the source block per level of the enchantment
"maxDistancePerLevel": 15,
// Whether or not to vein mine diagonally, note this may lead to hidden drops if relocateDrops is false
"diagonalMining": true,
// Whether or not to move all drops to the same location
"relocateDrops": true,
// Whether or not the tool can break while mining additional blocks
"preventToolDestruction": false,
// Whether or not the tool takes damage from mining additional blocks
"addToolDamage": true,
// The multiplier to tool damage from mining additional blocks
"toolDamageMultiplier": 1,
// Whether or not the player gets exhaustion from mining additional blocks
"addPlayerExhaustion": true,
// The multiplier to player exhaustion from mining additional blocks
"playerExhaustionMultiplier": 1.0,
// Whether or not to stop vein mining when the tool can no longer be used
"limitedByDurability": true,
// Whether to activate vein mining by standing, crouching, or holding down the keybind
"activationState": "KEYBIND",
// List of whitelisted/blacklisted blocks or block tags
"blocks": ["#c:ores" "minecraft:coal_ore", "minecraft:iron_ore", "minecraft:gold_ore", "minecraft:redstone_ore", "minecraft:emerald_ore", "minecraft:diamond_ore", "minecraft:ancient_debris"
// Whether the blocks configuration is a whitelist or a blacklist
"blocksPermission": "WHITELIST",
// List of groupings by block IDs or block tags, comma-separated
"groups": [
after saving it and loading into the world it goes back to default config
Activation state should be "KEYBINDING"
, not what you currently have.
If that doesn't fix it, send me your latest.log