Vein mining not working in Better Minecraft (Fabric) 1.17
HowardRoark2016 opened this issue ยท 0 comments
I can't get vein miner to work. I am using Windows 10 v20H2 and Java 16.0.2 while playing Better Minecraft (Fabric) 1.17 using "fabric-0.11.6" and "veinmining-fabric-0.0.10-1.17". I have set a key to activate vein mining (using the grave key). Vein mining worked strangely on the first tree I punched. It broke one log on the first attempt, but not the log I was looking at which remained visually in place. I made a second vein mining attempt on the same tree, punching the same block that I punched on the first attempt. It made a sound of a broken log but nothing dropped. I made a third attempt. The tree fell, sticks and saplings and logs on the ground, but the log that I was punching remained. And now vein mining does not work at all anymore. I've tried with hands, with wooden tools, stone tools, iron tools, trying to vein coal, iron, copper, stone, dirt, grass dirt, but nothing vein mines anymore.
Here is my vein mining config - https://pastebin.com/VHyjVAjh
I posted all that on your Discord in Discussion-Support previously but I now know you prefer issues to be posted here, so I copy/pasted my Discord comment to here on your GitHub.
On Discord, TheIllusiveC4 answered with the following -
Since you're punching, I assume that means you don't have the enchantment for Vein Mining right?
You'll need the enchantment on an equipped tool otherwise it won't work
Unless specified in the configs
Also it looks like your configs still has the activation state set to STANDING instead of KEYBINDING
I changed the following lines in the config, changing the number 0 to the number 16 -
// The maximum number of blocks to mine without the enchantment
"maxBlocksBase": 0,
// The maximum distance from the source block without the enchantment
"maxDistanceBase": 0,
I also changed the following line in the config, changing the word STANDING to the word KEYBINDING -
// Whether to activate vein mining by standing, crouching, or holding down the keybind
"activationState": "STANDING",