Vein Mining (Fabric 1.16.4 - 1.19.2)

Vein Mining (Fabric 1.16.4 - 1.19.2)


[Bug]: Mod not working

Spasstimon opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Minecraft Version


What happened?

I have the config file but the mod doesn't work, I probably made a mistake. Help.

"enchantment": {
// The rarity of the enchantment ("COMMON", "UNCOMMON", "RARE", "VERY_RARE")
"rarity": "COMMON",
// The number of levels of the enchantment
"levels": 3,
// Whether or not to consider this enchantment as a treasure
"isTreasure": false,
// Whether or not this enchantment can be randomly selected for enchanting
"isRandomlySelectable": true,
// Whether or not this enchantment is available on books
"isAvailableOnBooks": true,
// The minimum enchanting power requirement for the first enchantment level
"minPowerBase": 15,
// The additional enchanting power requirement for each enchantment level after the first
"minPowerPerLevel": 5,
// List of enchantments that cannot be applied together with this enchantment
"incompatibleEnchantments": []
"veinMining": {
// The maximum number of blocks to mine without the enchantment
"requireEffectiveTool": true,
// The maximum number of blocks to mine without the enchantment
"maxBlocksBase": 64,
// The maximum distance from the source block without the enchantment
"maxDistanceBase": 32,
// The maximum number of blocks to mine per level of the enchantment
"maxBlocksPerLevel": 32,
// The maximum distance from the source block per level of the enchantment
"maxDistancePerLevel": 16,
// Whether or not to vein mine diagonally, note this may lead to hidden drops if relocateDrops is false
"diagonalMining": true,
// Whether or not to move all drops to the same location
"relocateDrops": true,
// Whether or not the tool can break while mining additional blocks
"preventToolDestruction": true,
// Whether or not the tool takes damage from mining additional blocks
"addToolDamage": false,
// The multiplier to tool damage from mining additional blocks
"toolDamageMultiplier": 1,
// Whether or not the player gets exhaustion from mining additional blocks
"addPlayerExhaustion": false,
// The multiplier to player exhaustion from mining additional blocks
"playerExhaustionMultiplier": 1.0,
// Whether or not to stop vein mining when the tool can no longer be used
"limitedByDurability": true,
// Whether to activate vein mining by standing, crouching, or holding down the keybind ("STANDING", "CROUCHING", "KEYBINDING")
"activationState": "CROUCHING",
// List of whitelisted/blacklisted blocks or block tags
"blocks": [],
// Whether the blocks configuration is a whitelist or a blacklist ("WHITELIST", "BLACKLIST")
"blocksPermission": "BLACKLIST",
// List of groupings by block IDs or block tags, comma-separated
"groups": [

How do you trigger this bug?

  1. Open MC
  2. Edit Config file
  3. Try to veinmine



Loader Version


Mod Version


Relevant Log Outputs

No response


When you try to vein mine, what exactly do you do? Please be as specific as possible.

Also, did you make sure to have Cloth Config installed?


Started with the activation method "KEYBINDING".
I set my keybinding to the same as crouch (LCTRL), held the key, tried to mine iron and copper with a vanilla stone pickaxe, both just mined normally. Changed the keybind to an unassigned key (In my case "G") and still didn't work.
Then I changed the activation method to "CROUCHING" and it still doesn't work.


And yes I have cloth config installed sorry


I copied your config file and I tried mining iron ore with a vanilla stone pickaxe while crouching. It works exactly as expected, so your config file is correct at least.

Are you using any other mods? If so, try testing again with only Vein Mining, Cloth Config, and Fabric installed. It could be an unidentified mod conflict.


I realised what was making it not work, I'm a noob to mods so when the description said i needed Cloth Config API, I only installed that one, now that i've installed Cloth API, it works as it should.
Sorry for bothering you and thanks.