Vein Mining (Fabric 1.16.4 - 1.19.2)

Vein Mining (Fabric 1.16.4 - 1.19.2)


[Bug]: activate button is used as deactivate button

TypzVR opened this issue · 9 comments


Minecraft Version


What happened?

When mining a terrain with the pickaxe with Vein Mining on it, it will always be vein mined. To not have this, I need to use the activate button to not veinmine a whole terrain. This is very annoying because this can mess up my world/base/progress and more. I use this on a server, if that helps with anything.

How do you trigger this bug?

  1. Mine with the tool with vine meiner without holding the activate button




Loader Version

Fabric 0.13.1

Mod Version


Relevant Log Outputs

No response


I cannot reproduce this, setting up the keybindings and everything, the activate button works as it's supposed to (as in, vein mining does not work unless the activate button is held down).

Can you share your config settings? Did you make sure the configs are set correctly on your client also? What are you using as your activation key bind?


Hello, I'm having the same problem as this, where vein mining is activated as default and the keybind just mines 1 block. I have tried to adjust it in the config files, but it has made no difference! I have used different latters as the keybind. I am using forge 39.0.66 and veinmining 1.18.1-0.16jar.


Okay, what did you adjust exactly in the configuration file? Please show the current settings of your veinmining-client.toml file. The activationState field should be set to "KEYBINDING".


If something was supposed to be attached to your email, then I don't see anything. Please try again on GitHub directly.



I hope that worked!


Hm, okay, that config looks right then. So if you save the file, then start your game and load up your world, the keybinding does not do anything? Vein Mining still activates by default without pressing anything?


yes thats right!


Hm, unfortunately I cannot reproduce it. Setting the configs in my testing instance to the same as above, the keybinding works correctly. Are you sure you're saving the configuration file and that it's located in the right folder?