[Bug]: vein mining not working [mc better 1.19.2 fabric ]
kysne opened this issue · 3 comments
Minecraft Version
What happened?
i really dont why but mine veining is not working. i have this enchantment on my pickaxe and no matter what(crouching, standing)
allways break only one block. i tried making another with vein minng but this one was not wotrking to. i tried to redowlnd but still nothing changed (sorry for my english)
pls help :(
How do you trigger this bug?
always mining only one block
Loader Version
im using curse forge
API Version
curse forge!
Mod Version
Relevant Log Outputs
yo i had the same promblem all u need is go to curseforge click 3 dots on the right at better mc modpack next open folder next find config folder and look for veinmining-client.toml open it with notepad and activationState change from KEYBINDING to STANDING or CROUCHING (CROUCHING is better imo).
bro thank you so much, im new in mods and i ddint think about config
(now is working)
ty again