VeinMiner Companion

VeinMiner Companion



santiago-se opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Sand can still be VeinMined if it is by deafault in the Blocklist even if i put sand to all blocklist


Oh, I see. You're misinterpreting the purpose of "BlockList". I've had a few people with this same confusion. The block list is a whitelist, not a blacklist. Everything in the block list can be vein mined. The "Block" in "BlockList" is referring to Minecraft blocks, not "block" as in "ignore".

If you want to remove sand from the list of blocks vein miner can break, you should remove it from the block list.


thx now it works perfekt !


okay this helps i will give it a try


I'm not sure I understand. The All block list will add those blocks to all other categories' block lists. If you want sand to not be in the block list, you would remove it. If your list is empty, you have to use [] to denote that the list is empty, otherwise VeinMiner will try to use the default. For example:

  - 'minecraft:wooden_shovel'
  - 'minecraft:stone_shovel'
  - 'minecraft:golden_shovel'
  - 'minecraft:iron_shovel'
  - 'minecraft:diamond_shovel'
  - 'minecraft:netherite_shovel'
  BlockList: [] # This is an empty block list

Although I'm not sure why you would want an empty block list in any category other than All or Hand.


i added sand to the blocklist and im still able to use veiminer on sand.

no matter what I tried it will always use VeinMiner at the MaxVeinSize from the config on sand