VeinMiner Companion

VeinMiner Companion


Can't add tools from mods

Kuhpik opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Yeah i know that plugins commonly doesnt work with a mods. But there is a buch of workarrounds and mine is working perfectly fine. I did successefully added ores to the... list. But can't do the same with tools.

Server used :
Issue with mod :

And i guess other modded tools will not work too.


My stance on the use of VeinMiner on modded servers has always been this - why? Presumably if you're running on a Forge-based server, you should have the option to instead be using something such as VeinMiner (for Forge) or OreExcavator depending on which version you're running. These are mods written against Forge with the intent of supporting modded blocks and items. VeinMiner for Bukkit never had that intent and I apologize but it's not something I'm going to invest time attempting to fix.