ViaRewind 1.7 armorstands issue
Rhodless opened this issue ยท 2 comments
My spigot is in 1.8 and I use ViaRewind so that 1.7 players can join the server. I am trying to make a flag with Dopped Items so I use ArmorStands then I make the item ride the ArmorStand, for 1.8 players everything works fine but for 1.7 players, if the armorstand is spawned in the air (the gravity for the armorstand is disabled in code btw) the item just fall. In my opinion, the armorstand is replaced by a zombie in 1.7 but client-side, the zombie falls and doesn't stay in the air
Here's my code:
ArmorStand armorStand = (ArmorStand) player.getWorld().spawnEntity(player.getLocation().add(0, 2, 0), EntityType.ARMOR_STAND);
Item item = player.getWorld().dropItem(player.getLocation(), new ItemStack(Material.WOOL));