


Holograms falling in void on 1.7 Client causes a Witch to appear at Hologram location

Phirion opened this issue ยท 4 comments


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Bug Description

When 1.7 users connect to a 1.8 server they will see all Holograms fall in the void which causes a witch to appear on the Hologram location.

For 1.8 users Holograms appear normal like they suppose to appear.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Login on 1.7.10 on 1.8 server.
  2. Have Holograms created using the HolographicDisplays plugin.
  3. See how they fall in the void regardless where you have placed them.

Expected Behavior

The Holograms should be displayed as how they do on 1.8+ without falling into void.

Additional Server Info

I don't use BungeeCord on my server.

I've tested this on a localhost with ViaVersions,Viarewind and the HolographicDisplays plugins but this still causes the issue to appear.



Platform: 1.8.8--R0.2--SNAPSHOT%20%28MC%3A%201.8.8%29
ViaVersion (4.5.2-SNAPSHOT): Even with master
ViaRewind(2.0.3-SNAPSHOT): Even with master


#413 :/


I had this issue for months. I went through all latest commits recently. e6b8b69 was the last comit where everything worked perfectly.
since 49067f8 1.7 players get kicked whenever holograms unloads/reloads (either when reloading through command or walking out of hologram range) with this error (which seems to be related to the entity destruction)
after the next commit 9e4ac93 ops problem occured. neither does it print a stacktrace nor does it kick the client.
as op described the hologram just falls into void and a witch spawns there


Feel free to use my fork @Phirion