


LilyPad BUG

rejomy opened this issue · 8 comments


/viaversion dump Output


Console Error

I want you to take the code from viarewind-legacy and fix the lilies problem on 1.8.8

Bug Description


Steps to Reproduce


Expected Behavior


Additional Server Info




Error: Invalid or missing dump


This is an addon to ViaRewind. The features of this plugin will never be never be added to ViaRewind, this is an addon on purpose. ViaRewind is a multiplatform (Spigot, BungeeCord and Sponge) plugin and this plugin is for Spigot only! Adding features to ViaRewind, which do not work on all of the supported platforms would be to confusing in my opinion.


This is an addon to ViaRewind. The features of this plugin will never be never be added to ViaRewind, this is an addon on purpose. ViaRewind is a multiplatform (Spigot, BungeeCord and Sponge) plugin and this plugin is for Spigot only! Adding features to ViaRewind, which do not work on all of the supported platforms would be to confusing in my opinion.

And if I need a fix of water lilies, but legacy does not work with the new via verston?


Can u describe more what exactly doesnt work. I am using ViaRewind 2.0.3 ViaRewindLegacySupport 1.4.2 and ViaVersion 4.6.1.
Lilly pads seem to work fine for me (on 1.8 Server using 1.7 Client)


Можете ли вы описать больше, что именно не работает. Я использую ViaRewind 2.0.3 ViaRewindLegacySupport 1.4.2 и ViaVersion 4.6.1. Колодки Lilly, кажется, отлично работают для меня (на сервере 1.8 с использованием клиента 1.7)

What!? Shouldn't the viarewind fix the lilies? WHY SHOULD SOMEONE DO A FORK TO FIX THEM AND THE AUTHOR GIVES A FUCK ABOUT IT!?

Now to your post, my server is 1.12.2 Reaper (spigot fork) I use viarewindlegacy 1.4.0, viaver 4.6.1 and viabackwards 4.6.1, the console even has ([10:15:00 INFO] [ViaRewind-Legacy-Support] Enabling ViaRewind-Legacy-Support v1.4.0) BUT WHEN ENTERING WITH 1.8.8 EXPRESSES "Outdated client, please use 1.12.2"


ViaRewindLegacySupport is by the same author and provided as an addon plugin for Bukkit based servers, sounds like you have a general setup issue you can join the discord if you need further help -


What's the point of that? What should I write "my viarewindlegacy doesn't work because you forgot to update it the fuck knows when and it doesn't support the new viaversion anymore"? I don't understand how they can help me there, when you go shopping for shoes don't you first try to ask your friends if they have a similar jacket they don't need? Oh there is!? Well, give it to me, for fuck's sake, I don't need stores at all.