Villager Comfort

Villager Comfort


Comfort level appears to always be -100

belathus opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Running the 1.19.2 version of the mod (version 1.0.0). I modified the jar as per issue #6. However, now, it seems that no matter what I do, the villagers have maximum discomfort.

I built a bed in a room that is 9x9, has outside lighting (a skylight), has no other beds, is 15 blocks away from their workstation, in a separate room, etc. and the villager still has -100 comfort.

Here is his capabilities map:

"villagercomfort:comfort_values": {
    hasBed: 1 as byte,
    bedWorkstationDistance: 5466 as int,
    outsideSeconds: 8 as int,
    bedroomLight: 15 as int,
    bedsCount: 3 as int,
    daysWithoutOutside: 1 as int,
    daysWithoutZombie: 15 as int,
    comfort: -100 as int,
    workplaceLight: 15 as int,
    bedroomSize: 213 as int,
    hasWorkplace: 1 as byte,
    workstationsCount: 0 as int,
    isWorkstationInBedroom: 0 as byte,
    workplaceSize: 250 as int

From a glance, it looks like it is not calculating workstation distance correctly (there is no way the distance is 5 kilometers), and it is not calculating the amount of beds correctly (there is only one bed, why does it think there are three?), and there should always be at least one workstation in the workplace room, right? But even with these, the comfort level shouldn't be -100, right? The distances are good, the light level is good, the room sizes are good, and so on.

I'm not sure what's going on here.


I wonder how we can turn it off...? just set to 0 in the config?


after some extensive testing the issue appears to be with days without sleep, turn that off