VM Computers

VM Computers


Hyper-V support for Windows?

kristibektashi opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I'm pretty sure you can use the Windows Hypervisor Platform feature in Windows 10 to allow other apps to use Hyper-V. You should check if Hyper-V is enabled and if it is the mod should use it (if Hyper-V is enabled but Windows Hypervisor Platform is disabled it should ask you to enable it). If Hyper-V is disabled it should continue to use VirtualBox like it does now.

Hyper-V support calls for a 2.0 release of the mod in my opinion.


Hyper-V only works on Windows Professional and Windows Server oses, so it'd have to be Windows 10 Pro for example.
Also, the devs would need Windows 10 Pro.


Maybe you could use the Windows Hypervisor Platform with QEMU (#53 ). I'm not sure if it works but you could try. (Google is your friend)

Edit: I just found out you can use Hyper-V with QEMU using the -accel whpx argument (requires Hyper-V and Windows Hypervisor Platform feature installed)