VM Computers

VM Computers


Add support for a virtual floppy drive (useful for older operating systems)

kristibektashi opened this issue · 4 comments


Also userful for older operating systems would be to be able to buy custom ram such as 512MB, 256MB, 128MB, even 64MB which is useful for OSes such as MS-DOS


Cool Idea But He Will Have To Make A Model


Cool Idea But He Will Have To Make A Model

Lol obiously I know that. I know that it will take more time and I never said I want it instantly, I can wait for a few weeks.


I like your idea, Delta obviously has to make an model for the FDD, and maybe even an model for an sticking out floppy disk, this would be a cool touch. I think up from Windows 98 you can use only an CD so W98 and newer shouldn't be a problem though.