VM Computers

VM Computers


clicking on any screen crashes minecraft

alexvermaning0 opened this issue ยท 7 comments


latest virtualbox (6.1.18)
latest mod 1.4.15
latest fabric 0.11.3
Latest FabricAPI 0.32.5
minecraft 1.16.5
Logs: CrashLog latest.log
the mod works perfectly the vm starts and everything. the only issue i have is if i click on the monitor, tv or crt it crashes the game.
the screens display the vm perfectly. as soon as you click it it crashes you.


What Java version do you have? The important line here is this:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java.nio.DoubleBuffer.clear()Ljava/nio/DoubleBuffer;
I also read online that this could be caused by compiling the mod with the wrong JDK version. I'll investigate more later. But for now, please just say your Java version :)


I'm experiencing the same issue on Ubuntu 20.10 using OpenJDK 8. As soon as I try and click on the VM it crashes Minecraft and hard poweroffs the VM. (It doesn't say aborted) Same exact Java error too.


Not sure if this helps but i have the same issue and i'm running Java 8 (version 291)


I'm also experiencing this. Same java error. I'm on Arch Linux (rolling) using OpenJDK 15. Same problems as @anh0516


Im running Openadopt Java 8 64 bit from ninite.com


Everyone, please try the new release on github/curseforge. I changed the OpenJDK version on my machine from OpenJDK 11 to OpenJDK 8 and it should now work correctly.


it works,
no issues encounterd