VM Computers

VM Computers


Windows 10 hanging at boot

MaybeCooper2 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I have no idea if this is because of a setting that the mod sets, but whenever I use this mod to boot a Windows 10 image (downloaded from the official Microsoft website). I gave the VM 8 GB ram, 1/2 CPU, 64-bit motherboard, GPU. Also, when I boot the SAME image on a regular VM outside of the mod, it boots to setup immediately. Does anyone know what is happening?

Also: Windows 95 and Windows XP booted fine in the mod. When I tried Windows 7 or higher, it wouldn't get past the official boot screen, it would just give me a hardware error.

I also attached a video of it.


Open ViurtalBox And Find VMComputers Viurtal Machine Edit the video controller from vmsvga to vboxvga to vboxsvga try all video controllers


Duplicate of #78