VM Computers

VM Computers


Can't get passed setup

pul53gh opened this issue ยท 11 comments


Hello! I have had some issues with the mod when trying to go through setup. Despite having fresh installs, running default directories, checking files, and even following a tutorial, I still get the same error:


Here is the log (At least that's what I think it is)


I took a look inside the log and I think I know the issue.
I have 2 drives, an SSD and a Hard Drive. my SSD is very small and most of the time it's almost full, so I use my 1TB Hard Drive to install apps and program files. That's what I did when I installed Virtual Box too.

When windows was set up, it set my SSD as the default C: OS Drive, which most all apps use for default installation, so I have to change the install directory to the D: (The Hard Drive)

So when I went through the setup process, I changed the file directory to go to my Hard Drive rather than the default SSD.

However, I think that MCVm doesn't give a fuck, and just decides to run through to the C: Directory, eventually finding nothing.

Log String:

[13:27:05] [main/INFO]: [STDERR]: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\vboxmanage.exe": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified

That should be going to my D: drive, but as you can see it's not.

Please let me know how to fix this as I would really like to experience this mod.

EDIT: Alright, I went on an older version of the mod and it worked, so I think it's a bug with the newer version.


@y2k04 it appears this issue has been resolved as no replies were posted in two years. how about closing it?




Just tried a symlink - works fine. Here's a quick guide:
Launch CMD with admin rights - those needed to make a folder in Program files

mkdir "C:\Program Files\Oracle"
mkdir "C:\Program Files\Oracle\Virtualbox"
cd "C:\Program Files\Oracle"
mklink /J Virtualbox "path to the virtualbox installation folder"

it just says to me "cannot create a file that already exists"


Just tried a symlink - works fine. Here's a quick guide:
Launch CMD with admin rights - those needed to make a folder in Program files

mkdir "C:\Program Files\Oracle"
mkdir "C:\Program Files\Oracle\Virtualbox"
cd "C:\Program Files\Oracle"
mklink /J Virtualbox "path to the virtualbox installation folder"

it just says to me "cannot create a file that already exists"

On what step?


Just tried a symlink - works fine. Here's a quick guide:
Launch CMD with admin rights - those needed to make a folder in Program files

mkdir "C:\Program Files\Oracle"
mkdir "C:\Program Files\Oracle\Virtualbox"
cd "C:\Program Files\Oracle"
mklink /J Virtualbox "path to the virtualbox installation folder"

it just says to me "cannot create a file that already exists"

On what step?

the mklink one, this is the command i used that doesn't work: mklink /J Virtualbox "D:\Programs\Virtualbox"


my bad. Do rmdir "C:\Program Files\Oracle\Virtualbox" and then mklink. Edited my earlier post so other users don't get confused


Same with me, can you pls tell me which version of the mod you got?


Same, I don't know how to fix it because I'm a script kiddie


Same with me, can you pls tell me which version of the mod you got?

Same, I don't know how to fix it because I'm a script kiddie

Latest (1.4.5fix)


A symlink might do.


Just tried a symlink - works fine. Here's a quick guide:
Launch CMD with admin rights - those needed to make a folder in Program files

mkdir "C:\Program Files\Oracle"
cd "C:\Program Files\Oracle"
mklink /J Virtualbox "path to the virtualbox installation folder"