[1.10] Incorrect mcmod.info
asanetargoss opened this issue · 6 comments
"mcversion" should be 1.10.2, otherwise Forge complains.
Minecraft and the mod run fine when mcmod.info is updated with the appropriate mcversion value.
Strange; I can't seem to reproduce it today with the exact same mcmod.info replacement in the exact same environment. All I did was replace the jar with a version of the jar with mcmod.info replaced.
The behavior I was trying to reproduce is similar to what happens when you are missing a mod that another mod depends on, (Forge initialization ends early, Minecraft music plays, dirt background, single Forge error message), except the message is about a mod wanting a required Minecraft version.
Forge does seem to have code for falling back on the Minecraft version mcmod.info file when the @mod annotation is not present, although why exactly Forge would fail to see your @mod annotation is a mystery to me.
I'm thinking you used the 1.12 version in 1.11 and below, that's the only thing that would cause this
The @mod annotation of the mod class from the same jar whose mcmod.info file I altered is:
@Mod(modid="voidfog", name="VoidFog", version="1.0.1", clientSideOnly=true, guiFactory="Tamaized.VoidFog.config.GUIConfigFactory", acceptedMinecraftVersions="[1.8,1.11.2]")