VulkanMod incompatibility with optifabric+optifine and iris shaders
Franseven opened this issue ยท 2 comments
VulkanMod is amazing, i get 4k 2000+ fps on my 4090 against 4k 250fps on opengl
32chunks view distance around 4k 500fps on vulkan and less than 4k 30 on opengl (10900kf rtz4090)
BUT it's unable to work with iris shaders (the only one that works in fabric AFAIK)
also optifabric+optifine crashes before even launching (optifabric alone goes ahead but stops saying it didn't find optifine jar so it's pointless) so i can't run fabric shaders and i can't run optifine shaders, i love your work but with no shaders it's not worth it for me.
we need a major compatibility fix that allows at least iris shaders to work. or maybe a port to forge? i hope you can look into this issues.
i tested this with both 0.2.5 and 0.3.0 that you just released.
specific versions for optifabric 1.13.24 optifine U_l4 and iris 1.6.1 (all state 1.19.4 compatibility)
good luck with this amazing project, but i will stick to 4k 100fps optifine+sildurs vibrant extrem+volumetric lighting
thank you again
vkmod is not compatible with opengl modules, the only way is to wait for #234 to be implemented by someone, xCollateral may not be interested in this
is there any other project that brings shaders to vulkan natively?
Note: I am not the developer of this mod. Just what I have heard on the discord
OptiFabric and optifine will never be compatible with this mod just like how sodium is not compatible with optifine either, this is due to the fact that optifine (and sodium which is also incompatible) make opengl calls. In regards to shaders the project is still very early in development however I have heard that they are planning for them in the future.