


VkInstance in LWJGL not found (!?)

terraquad opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I am having a problem launching Minecraft with Vulkan Mod.
After I parsed the crash, I was quite shocked that VkInstance couldn't be found by VulkanMod (Path: org.lwjgl.vulkan.VkInstance)
It also crashes without any other mods installed, so the error is either in VulkanMod or in LWJGL.

Here's the crash dump (from the instance with my other mods):

The modpack I use:
Repro Crash

Minimal reproduction modpack crash dump:

PC Specs:

  • CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800H
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060
  • RAM: 16 GB
  • SSD Space: 1 TB

Minecraft (related) specs:

  • Version: 1.19.4
  • Mod Version: 0.3.2 (from Modrinth)
  • Fabric API Version: QFAPI 6.0.0 (from Modrinth)
  • Mod Loader: Quilt 0.19.2
  • LWJGL Version: 3.3.1
  • MC Launcher: Prism Launcher 7.1

I've done some more investigating and I think it's one of these three issues:

  • QFAPI (Quilted Fabric API): May not support all functionality of Fabric API
  • LWJGL: For some reason the class cannot be loaded, maybe due to JAR corruption which is unlikely but possible
  • The mod itself: Wrong import path (which is very unlikely due to it working on other computers) or issues with my setup.

It seems quilt loader isn't able to load external libraries correctly, it's not solvable from the mod's side. Use fabric loader until it gets fixed.