


Problems with textures on mod version 0.3.3

dcmen007 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I put a mod on the Vulkan API version 0.3.3 on Minecraft 1.20.2 and the textures of the chests, the bed and the enchantment table began to glitch
2023-09-24_10 41 08
2023-09-24_10 41 16


I also have the same problem with this thing. Without VulkanMod or just Fabric it's fine, but with Vulkan this happens in the same version 0.3.3 in Minecraft version 1.20.2.
The same thing happens on beds (any colour), chests (all three versions), shulker boxes (any colour), shields, banners (any pattern or colour) and the Enchantment Table. Please fix this because it's very weird!
2023-09-24_18 47 58
And sorry for the weird picture but it looks the same from any angle based on this post.