Weird sounds
andreasdc opened this issue · 8 comments
Sound are played differently or at a different volume, when compared to setup with Sodium for example.
Sure you can tag me when the performance will be better than on Sodium, it was like that on 1.17.
32 Chunks, no stutters with Vulkan. Sodium is stutter town. Anyways performance is not the issue you listed. This should be closed.
Sure you can tag me when the performance will be better than on Sodium, it was like that on 1.17.
Which version performs the best for you currently?
i'm assuming everything from 0.15 onwards is slower,
(As 0.1.4 build 3, as that is the last version released for 1.17 afaik)
If I know which version, i might be able to track the regression down and restore the lost FPS
Outside of that, TBH alot of this is probably due to 1.18+ effecting performance rather than VulkanMod itself;
As not everything is within our control due to Mojang changes(i.e. 1.20+ uses more memory + has GC spikes)
If you need more help, I would suggest opening a separate issue about this entirely
(e.g. 1.17 versions performed better than 1.18+)
Or alternatively Joining the Discord if you want (we have a #support channel)
32 Chunks, no stutters with Vulkan. Sodium is stutter town. Anyways performance is not the issue you listed. This should be closed.
I will let Collateral know about this, so this gets closed
TBH we've been very busy with testing + development recently, so we forgot to cleanup and close alot of outdated issues on the repo.