Wrong Colours
PINKeHamton opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Minecraft 1.20.4 with VulkanMod 0.4.0 on Arch Linux using NVIDIA Drivers (can`t remeber the numbers i have a GTX 770 ) but i was getting different colours i wonder if its a VK 1.2 problem
on NVIDIA Drivers ill try nouveau drivers latter when i have time and wayland as well ill dump logs
@PINKeHamton said:
(can`t remeber the numbers i have a GTX 770)
You can check in the F3 menu in MC or by running nvidia-smi
in the shell and noting the driver version at the top.
Chances are, if you're on Arch and keeping your system up to date, you're running 550.76.
Duplicate of #394