Iris Support
desatur opened this issue ยท 9 comments
This will literally never ever happen due to how iris and sodium use opengl graphics features
I'm sure there are ways to make them compatible. VK comes from the same people as OGL, they have likely thought about keeping them compatible in some ways. I mean, there are even VK extensions that aid in implementing OGL on top of VK.
It probably won't be easy though.
I'm sure there are ways to make them compatible. VK comes from the same people as OGL, they have likely thought about keeping them compatible in some ways. I mean, there are even VK extensions that aid in implementing OGL on top of VK.
It probably won't be easy though.
Yes but no one is going to do it for the slightly higher performance you might gain
I'm sure there are ways to make them compatible. VK comes from the same people as OGL, they have likely thought about keeping them compatible in some ways. I mean, there are even VK extensions that aid in implementing OGL on top of VK.
It probably won't be easy though.
the mesa project's zink driver does this, it's not exactly easy to enable on windows though
zink is basically opengl -> vulkan
running minecraft through it would basically give you vulkan minecraft way before this mod even existed AND some of your shaders would be compatible (most of them break the opengl spec and just say "it only works on nvidia" because they are lazy and nvidia has a lenient shader compiler)
I'm sure there are ways to make them compatible. VK comes from the same people as OGL, they have likely thought about keeping them compatible in some ways. I mean, there are even VK extensions that aid in implementing OGL on top of VK.
It probably won't be easy though.Yes but no one is going to do it for the slightly higher performance you might gain
it's literally already happened (with the zink driver), and the reason the mesa project decided to make it is so that manufacturers only have to make a vulkan driver. With only a vulkan driver you won't be able to use opengl programs, so zink comes to the rescue implementing opengl on top vulkan.
then google also made ANGLE that translates opengl ES to vulkan / directx too! (but minecraft doesn't use opengl es lol)
You can use Pojavlauncher to run Minecraft on Android device,I already succeed
What settings did you use? I get a crash at different settings, no matter how I experiment with them.
Sorry for taking so long to answer you.
1.You need to download or update the Pojavlauncher which was supposed VulanMOD (v3_vulkan mod)(Need to unzip)
Download Link:https://github.com/PojavLauncherTeam/PojavLauncher/actions/runs/2474952097
2.You should download vulkanmod which was designed for Pojavlauncher(including 2 mods,need to unzip)
3.Make sure you already installed Minecraft Java edition on Pojavlauncher,version1.19(Not 1.19.1or1.19.2)
4.Get Fabric loader and Fabric-API on fabricmc.net
5.Open PojavLauncher,You will see the button in the lower right corner(INSTEALL JAR.),click it and insteall Fabric 1.19
5.Put VulkanMODs in the following file path:
6.Restart PojavLauncher and play
Remember,Not all mobile GPUs support VulkanMOD,When I Use Qualcomm SnapDragon870(Adreno 650),I Failed.But I Try again on Snapdragon888(Aderno660),I succeed.
These are my experiences,I hope you can succeed.
P.S.My English is not good. Please forgive me if I make grammatical mistakes :)
This will literally never ever happen due to how iris and sodium use opengl graphics features
Iris support is actually possible, and OpenGL and Vulkan share many concepts. A lot of shader patching would have to be done, but there's no reason why it's impossible.
However, we are not looking into it at this point.