


Strange Incompatability

Epik0rangutan opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Describe the bug

Recently whilst making a modpack to play on a bedwars server, I saw a really strange incompatability(which is not listed on the incompatability thread in the wiki).
The incompatability was with the infamous mod - Neat.

Latest fabric(at this time) for 1.21

Steps to reproduce

Just.. Deleting the mod Neat.

Log files

Here is the chunk of the log describred by Gemini 2.0 flash:

org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.throwables.InvalidInjectionException: InjectionPoint(Shift)[@at("INVOKE")] on net/minecraft/class_761::neat_renderHealthBar with priority 1000 cannot inject into net/minecraft/class_761::method_22977(Lnet/minecraft/class_1297;DDDFLnet/minecraft/class_4587;Lnet/minecraft/class_4597;)V merged by net.vulkanmod.mixin.render.entity.LevelRendererM with priority 1000

neat is trying to inject code into net.minecraft.class_761 (which is the LevelRenderer class), but VulkanMod has already modified that method, preventing neat from applying its mixin.


I'm not sure if this can be fixed by us or if Neat would add an exception that injects their code into VulkanMod's.