WAIM - What am I missing?

WAIM - What am I missing?


WAIM Evolves to WAIFO

KAfable opened this issue ยท 0 comments


"What Am I Finding Out" - I couldn't get it to match WAIFU.

Name change not recommended.

Going off our talk on discord: Could there be expanded functionality that searches registries and identifies when something new is added? Right now the core I'm thinking of is:

  1. Blocks
  2. Potions
  3. Enchantments

Optional ones:
4) Items - This one is a bit iffy, maybe have this as an config to turn on (off default) since this list might be changing way more often (and be more spammy than useful).

As far as I know this would be a unique utility functions for pack devs cause right now my best action is to install WAIM, update my mods, and then revert the updates to see what I've lost.