Water Physics Overhaul

Water Physics Overhaul


Make a mod server-side

dreamgineer opened this issue ยท 6 comments


I'm trying to find a realistic water mod to install in my server
to make it more realistic but the mod is not server-side. it need to be installed in client and thats annoying
bc there's a custom block in a mod
so can you make a server-side version for this please? or spigot version for this?

my server is Mohist 1.16.5
sorry for bad spell (if have)


i want to add realistic water mod to my server.
pls help.
my server is mohist 1.16.5


actually the water surface has custom tesselation (rendering), which is client side, as well. It would need some disentangling to make this mod purely server side. just fyi


I actually found one


But yes, TPS literly down to 5


for now I would change the configs to lower impact: there are configs to change the max distance over which equalization is done (setMaxEqualizeDistance) and the maximum distance over which water packets will try to seek lower ground (setMaxSlidingDistance)
but I haven't looked into all of the equalization code yet, so idk what the impact will be and which minimal distances are needed for redstone pumps to work, etc.

After I'm done fixing the critical bugs I will probably go through it and try to accelerate the computation, maybe using some caching.


Small heads-up for you:
currently it does not seem possible to have WPO be only server side. Many client behaviors have to be changed, too.
All in all this is not a lightweight mod, so it is kinda expected