WATERFrAMES: Multimedia Displays

WATERFrAMES: Multimedia Displays


Video doesn't show up despite have high rendering distances

BonnieBoestar opened this issue ยท 9 comments


Recently tried starting up a zombie survival modpack with the Lost Cities mod and I thought a TV would be a fun way to add some life to my base. When I initially started up the modpack, I removed everything that was giving back an error except for WaterFrames 2.1.6, which said that it could not handle WaterMedia API past version 2.1. I downgraded to version 2.0.75, and when I get into the singleplayer world everything SEEMS fine at first, all the items are present, but when I attempt to input a link into a screen, the AUDIO will play just fine, and the screen will produce a small light effect, but it will be a completely blank screen texture with no video accompanying the audio.

Game Version is 1.20.1, Modpack is the Cursed Walking with a handful of extras like WaterFrames. It doesn't SEEM like any other mod is conflicting with what this should be doing. Creative Cores is on version 2.12.20.

2024-10-29_14 20 34
(Light and audio is being given off by the TV but not Visuals)


can test the latest version of watermedia + waterframes?
if still doesn't work tell me to send you a debug build


can send me your logs please? and more information about what version are you using?
i think is a incredibly mod conflict



Here's the latest log, I apologize that there are probably a number of other mods in the modpack that are causing each other to fail, I've just been troubleshooting this one for a while and can't understand where the conflict is after lining up the Versions with what it asked. I tried disabling FancyMenu and downgrading the CreativeCore version, neither of which fixed the problem. I'm not sure what other information I can give you about the version other than the modpack is using Forge 47.3.11


@BonnieBoestar try without canary and entityculling
if that doesn't works try to increase MAX rendering distance.

if that even doesn't works, well i will send you a custom debug build


I disabled Canary and EntityCulling in the mod options but it doesn't seem to have done much. Increasing both Render and Simulation distance to Max didn't seem to have much of an effect either, still just playing the audio with no visual accompaniment.
(Shows the visuals as downloaded but does not display)

Here are the logs in case you need them, All mods are still the same version as before.

Sorry about this, I'm sure there was some warning I must have missed on some random mod to cause this strange interaction.


Trying to load WaterFrames with the lastest version of WaterMedia results in this error message when trying to load the game


also update waterframes


Sorry about that, I swear earlier when I updated WaterMedia there was no option to update WaterFrames so I assumed it was up to date (Using CurseForge if that wasn't obvious). This however produced the same initial effect, with audio playing and the game recognizing it as "working" but with no visuals.

WaterFrames is version 1.20.1-v2.1.7a
WaterMedia is version 2.1.2
Creative Core is version 2.12.21
EntityCulling and Canary are both still disabled

Log of this attempt, just in case it's necessary:


i will investigate about tomorrow. this week was stressful