WATERFrAMES: Multimedia Displays

WATERFrAMES: Multimedia Displays


Light bug on entities - 1.20.1 Forge - 47.4.47

Wenzgate opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Hey, I'm using the mods (waterframe, watermedia and creativeCore) and try few versions of it with none other (without rubidium and oculus too) in 1.20.1

I noticed that the brightness of the waterframe affected the brightness of other entities (chests, beds, dropped items, etc).

If brightness = 1.0, no problem, but once lowered, the problem appears.

I don't know if it's directly linked to the mods, but I can't find any solutions. That's why I wanted to highlight this bug.

thank you

2023-09-12_18 15 12
2023-09-12_18 15 25
2023-09-12_18 15 38


Hi, the issue still occurs with the 2.0.0-beta5.1 version, with built in shaders. Different Forge version tho.

2024-03-30_13 43 10
2024-03-30_13 43 22

Minecraft 1.20.1
Forge 47.2.19
Modlist :

  • CreativeCore 2.11.25
  • WaterFrames 2.0.0-beta5.1
  • WaterMedia 2.0.27-beta

I hope this can help, thanks for your work and for this amazing mod ! :)


see #32


i really hope Iris shaders and sodium finally decide to make a official port to NeoForge, i am tired of the shitty asek ports


can you test with this version? i cannot reproduce it