Waystones (Fabric Edition)

Waystones (Fabric Edition)


Empty waystone list bug after death is still on 1.12.2

BlayTheNinth opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Thanks for the announcing,I was just wondering whats going on.BTW,is it gonna be fixed in the near futrue?


@philipzou This is not happening to me. Are you using SpongeForge? Please provide exact steps to reproduce the issue.


Im using SpongeForge the recommended version of Forge and it doesnt happen in singleplayer mode.When a player login,it works fine,but if he dies,the waystone list become empty,if he log in again,he can see all the waystone again,I didn`t see error logs at the server while this happens,it really confused me.
And I found out that if the player who cannot see the waystone list travels to another demension through the teleportation door,it went normal again,but if he travels to another demension by teleport someone,the problem still exists.


This is an issue in SpongeForge and needs to be reported to them. It looks like they're not firing the respawn event in the same way that Forge does.

The waystone list is stored in the persisted nbt tag, and re-synced to the client when

  1. changing dimensions
  2. the player respawns

Yet it seems the sync is either not happening at all, or not at the right time when SpongeForge is installed.


@blay09 You were correct - this was an issue with how SpongeForge was firing Forge's RespawnPlayerEvent. It should be fixed in the latest build of SpongeForge.