Waystones (Fabric Edition)

Waystones (Fabric Edition)


[Request] Make 'naturally' spawned waystones un-breakable.

Jobs2k opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I have seen issue #81 and can understand the arguments put forth in that but I have a problem I can't seem to fix in the way suggested:

I need to stop 'naturally' spawned waystones in villages being mined by players.
I don't want to stop player-owned/placed waystones from being used as they currently are.

I have players who feel fine taking the stones from villages instead of making their own and that obviously removes them from use for other people who are using them for exploration and general travel assistance.

Is there already an existing way to prevent generated waystones from being mined? Or could a tag be added to them that labelled them as 'generated' or 'placed' so a config option could see the difference and act accordingly?
Maybe hook into the 'global' type referred to in the config? If they are different then OPs could place global ones and they can't be broken but 'non-global' can be?


Thank you for the change. It really helps.