Waystones (Fabric Edition)

Waystones (Fabric Edition)


Desync every time after relogging/ forgetting activated Waystones after relogging

Adoendithas opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Some friends and me started a 1.7.10 Server this month with the Waystones mod (Ver. 1.0.12). Unfortunately activated Waystones won't be saved by the server/ every time a Player relogs he looses all his activated Waystones (TP list seems empty). I read quite a lot articles about the Waystone mod, but no one wrote about the same problem, furthermore all "solutions" for similar problems I found were not working.

This was not since the beginning of the server... it just happened after a restart. So two questions on this:

  1. Is it a known bug/ did I miss some solution posted somewhere?
  2. Another reason I thought of might be a linux access list problem - like the server don't having the right to save the data into any player related file. If that might be the reason I want to ask if someone could tell me in which files "activated waystones" are saved.

I know that the mod version for MC 1.7.10 is no longer worked on, but if anyone knows about this bug pls tell me. Also if somebody could tell me where the mod's "userdata" is stored I would be very gratefull.

Sorry for the bad grammar, didn't post in english since a long time.


I'm having the same problem but my waystones seem to deactivate even when trying to use them. On servers the warp stone doesn't even work for some reason. We were using it before and I have no clue what could have gone wrong. After resetting about 2 times it completely broke.


Having a similar issue, when myself or a couple of the players on my server log in, some of the waypoints have been removed from the list, namely ones we've placed under global status and are thousands of blocks away. Quite a frustrating issue if I were to go on an expedition or something and then try to travel back to my home only to realize its been removed since and hadn't been reactivated... If it's an issue with the number of active waystones on the server I'd love to know how to remove active waystones? I could go around and delete excess waystones to free up the list; but not knowing the limits or why it's happening is posing a problem, and the config file has nothing on the limit of waypoints possible or anything. Server is 1.12.2, waystones ver 1.12.2-4.0.67


Possibly related to #150. If anyone could get me step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce the issue I can try and get it fixed for 1.12.2. Otherwise all my attempts at reproducing have failed so far. In Minecraft 1.13, I plan on rewriting the way waystone activations are saved which should hopefully be more robust (see #161).

Regarding the 1.7.10 version, activated waystones are saved in the player data directly. You could open the player file using some NBT inspector tool and see if anything is being saved at all after they've activated something. Also be sure to check the log when waystones are activated and when players are saved, to see if any exceptions occur. IIRC there was a case where an addon was causing parts of the mod to break, which would be seen in the log.


The rewrite for Minecraft 1.14 should hopefully fix this issue, but due to the large amount of changes it unfortunately won't be backported to 1.12.