Waystones (Fabric Edition)

Waystones (Fabric Edition)


Warp Stones have no XP cost

MyWorldNetwork opened this issue ยท 12 comments



Using the Warp Stone does not have an associated XP cost.

Relevant config lines are set to;
# If enabled, the warp stone costs experience when used, based on the distance travelled.
B:"Warp Stone Costs XP"=true

Waystones themselves work correctly and charge XP as intended.

# Set to false to make all global waystones not cost any experience, regardless of method used.
B:"Global Waystones Cost XP"=true

They are working as expected for me, but I think the actual issue is that the waystones were simply too close to each other. In the current version, XP cost only starts if they're at least the Blocks per XP Level distance apart from each other.

I'm adding a new option Short Travel is Free to allow shorter distances to also cost XP without breaking existing behaviour for other users.


This is not correct and the subject no longer reflects the issue i'm afraid.

In my config this is set to 500, the minimum distance I am trying to travel is greater than this. This should cost a minimum of 1 XP levels and instead costs nothing.

I will however await the new version and test again.

Having downloaded the newest file, I can confirm this is NOT resolved. I note though that you refer to 'Waystones' when this is not the problem and was not reported as being the problem. I have reverted the subject line back to actually reflect the issue.


Confirmed as still broken.

Relevant lines from the config file;

`general {

# The amount of blocks per xp level requirement.
I:"Blocks per XP Level"=500

# Set to false to make all global waystones not cost any experience, regardless of method used.
B:"Global Waystones Cost XP"=true

# If enabled, the inventory button cost experience when used, based on the distance travelled.
B:"Inventory Button Costs XP"=true

# The maximum xp cost when Blocks per XP Level is enabled.
# Min: 1
# Max: 2147483647
I:"Maximum XP Cost"=3

# If set to true, XP cost by distance travelled will only start beyond the distance-per-level distance, and shorter travel will be free.
B:"Short Travel is Free"=false

# If enabled, the warp stone costs experience when used, based on the distance travelled.
B:"Warp Stone Costs XP"=true

# If enabled, waystones cost experience when used, based on the distance travelled.
B:"Waystone Costs XP"=true`

2 screenshots attached, First using Waystone. ALL options are more than double minimum distance to cost XP (at least 1000 blocks) and correctly show that this will cost 2XP to use.
Second using Warp Stone while stood on top of Waystone in order to not affect the distance, no XP cost.

javaw 2019-07-02 19-02-09-349

javaw 2019-07-02 19-02-17-040

I also tested from 12000+ blocks away with exactly the same situation. Waystone costs 3XP, Warp Stone costs nothing.


Rather than editing my post, reply to add that the exact same scenario exists in a single player world. Waystones act as normal, Warp Stones cost nothing.


Just tested on a singleplayer world using the latest version (4.0.71) that was available, and warp stones can cost xp. Make sure you have "Warp Stone Costs XP" on line 98 set to true.

My test setup:

Minecraft version: 1.12.2
Forge version:
Mod Version: 4.0.71
Singleplayer / Multiplayer: Tested in singleplayer only
World type: Superflat
Creative mode: Tested in survival mode
Additional mods: Chattweaks
Additional information: I had setup 2 waystones and had a warpstone in my inventory, the waystones were places at x:0, z:0 and x:1000, z:0. And using the warpstone that was in my inventory to travel between did in fact used XP to travel.


I will test it again in a couple of hours however as my initial post confirms, the line in question is already set to true.
At least one other user, as evidenced by the comments on curseforge is experiencing the same


Does your client have warp stone xp cost enabled? I think this is a problem that occurs when only the server has it enabled, as the config option wasn't synced previously.


I will certainly check. In the meantime, config contents as requested;

Configuration file

client {
# If enabled, activated waystones will not emit particles.
B:"Disable Particles"=false

# If enabled, the text overlay on waystones will no longer always render at full brightness.
B:"Disable Text Glow"=false

# If enabled, waystones spawned using the legacy spawn-just-anywhere mode will look mossy ingame.
B:"Mossy Look for World Gen Waystones"=true

# The volume of the sound played when teleporting.
# Min: 0.0
# Max: 1.0
D:"Sound Volume"=0.5

# The x position of the warp button in the inventory.
I:"Teleport Button GUI X"=58

# The y position of the warp button in the inventory.
I:"Teleport Button GUI Y"=60


compat {
# If this is true, activating a waystone will cause a JourneyMap waypoint to be created at its position.
B:"Create JourneyMap Waypoint"=false

general {
# If enabled, everyone can create global waystones, not just players in creative mode.
B:"Allow Global Waystones for Everyone"=false

# The amount of blocks per xp level requirement.
I:"Blocks per XP Level"=500

# If enabled, waystones can only be placed in creative mode.
B:"Creative Mode Only"=true

# Whether generated waystones should not be breakable by players.
B:"Disallow Breaking Generated"=false

# Set to false to make all global waystones not cost any experience, regardless of method used.
B:"Global Waystones Cost XP"=true

# If enabled, all waystones work inter-dimensionally.
B:"Interdimensional Teleport"=false

# If enabled, waystones marked as global work inter-dimensionally.
B:"Interdimensional Teleport on Global Waystones"=false

# If enabled, the inventory button cost experience when used, based on the distance travelled.
B:"Inventory Button Costs XP"=true

# The maximum xp cost when Blocks per XP Level is enabled.
# Min: 1
# Max: 2147483647
I:"Maximum XP Cost"=100

# If enabled, waystones marked as global have no cooldown.
B:"No Cooldown on Global Waystones"=true

# Whether the use of a warp stone or warp scroll should be interrupted by damage. Not supported when playing with Vivecraft!
B:"Reset Use On Damage"=false

# If enabled, only the owner of a waystone can rename it.
B:"Restrict Rename to Owner"=false

# If enabled, the player's spawnpoint will be set to the last activated waystone.
B:"Set Spawnpoint on Activation"=false

# If set to true, XP cost by distance travelled will only start beyond the distance-per-level distance, and shorter travel will be free.
B:"Short Travel is Free"=false

# The cooldown between usages of the teleport button in seconds.
I:"Teleport Button Cooldown"=300

# If enabled, the teleport button will only let you return to the last activated waystone, instead of allowing to choose.
B:"Teleport Button Return Only"=true

# Set this to a global waystone name to lock the inventory button to that specific waystone. Leave empty for default behaviour.
S:"Teleport Button Target"=

# Should there be a button in the inventory to access the waystone menu?
B:"Teleport Button in GUI"=false

# The time it takes to use a warp scroll in ticks. This is the charge-up time when holding right-click.
# Min: 1
# Max: 127
I:"Warp Scroll Use Time"=32

# The cooldown between usages of the warp stone in seconds.
I:"Warp Stone Cooldown"=300

# If enabled, the warp stone costs experience when used, based on the distance travelled.
B:"Warp Stone Costs XP"=true

# The time it takes to use a warp stone in ticks. This is the charge-up time when holding right-click.
# Min: 1
# Max: 127
I:"Warp Stone Use Time"=32

# If enabled, waystones cost experience when used, based on the distance travelled.
B:"Waystone Costs XP"=true


worldgen {
# The chance for a waystone to generate just anywhere (without a structure), scaled by 1/10000.
# Min: 0.0
# Max: 10000.0
D:"Change to generate just anywhere"=0.0

# The Name Generator will pick from these names until they have all been used, then it will generate random ones again.
S:"Custom Names" <

# The chance for a waystone to generate in a village. Set to 1 to always generate one in villages, set to 0 to disable.
# Min: 0.0
# Max: 1.0
D:"Generate in Villages"=1.0



No, it did not...

If this has been the cause of the problem i'm going to be very upset!

Client is restarting and I shall update ASAP


Now that's just annoying... More so because I should have thought of that myself.

Warp Stones now (and probably always have) work as intended.

Thank you for your efforts and attention and apologies for any perceived hostilities.


A version with fixed syncing of the config option has also been uploaded to CurseForge now.


Thank you. As i'm anyway doing maintenance i'll download it now