Waystones (Fabric Edition)

Waystones (Fabric Edition)


[1.12.2 - 4.0.67] Return scroll cannot be bounded

winterwolf opened this issue ยท 4 comments


When I trying to craft Return Scroll, it says that it is already bounded to Lucozorarc Plant in recipe list:

2019-06-18_03 55 46

And I can't change this point! When I click on Waystone, it says, that scroll is successfully rebounded, but it's a lie!

2019-06-18_03 55 32

It's still bounded to default Waystone:

2019-06-18_03 55 51


Literally the last one you activated, meaning the last one you found/placed, not the last one you used but the last one you found.

Or in other words, the last in the list.


Return Scrolls are bound to the last waystone you activated, the Bound Scroll is a different item. Though it shouldn't be saying that the scroll is bound when right-clicking with the Return Scroll; that might be a bug.


Sorry, I'm stupid. What means "activated"? I travelled trough many different waystines but all Return Scrolls are always bound to the same one - Lucz Plains.


Ok, thank you!